1971-12-01: 400th Birthday of Johannes Kepler

1971-11-20: 50th Ann. of the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun

1971-11-15: Dogs

1971-11-12: Felines

1971-11: Paintings by Kitagawa Utamaro (1750-1806)

1971-10-30: 2500th Anniversary of Persian Empire

1971-10-15: Soyuz 11: Crashed Cosmonauts

1971-10-15: Apollo 15 (II)

1971-10-01: Japanese Traditions

1971-09-27: Famous Racing Drivers

1971-09-27: Racing Drivers Killed in Car Accidents

1971-09-27: Stagecoach

1971-09-27: Olympic Games 1952-1968: Gold Medal Winners in Boxing

1971-09-27: Royal Wedding Anniversaries

1971-09-15: Winter Olympic Games 1972, Sapporo (V)

1971-09-01: 13th World Scout Jamboree, Asagiri Kogen, Japan (III)

1971-08-29: World's Fair Philadelphia, USA

1971-08-26: Visit of the Emperor and Empress Hirohito to Europe

1971-08-24: Apollo Crews

1971-08-24: Collection of Fairy Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

1971-08-24: Space Research (1971) - 2nd series

1971-08-24: Stamp Exhibition ANPHILEX '71, New York

1971-08-24: Christmas 1971 - Popes (II)

1971-08-24: Apollo 16 (1971)

1971-08-24: Munchhausen Adventures

1971-08-24: Silver wedding of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip

1971-08-23: Meeting con President Nixon and Emperor Hirohito in Alaska

1971-08-19: Summer Olympic Games 1960-1976: German Medal Winners

1971-08-19: German Race Cars

1971-08-19: Space Research (1971) - 3rd series

1971-08-19: Visit of Queen Elizabeth II in Japan: Theatre scenes

1971-08-19: Old Locomotives

1971-08-19: Sports Cars (II)

1971-08-12: Space Research (1971) - 1st series

1971-08-10: Winter Olympic Games 1972, Sapporo (IV)

1971-07-31: Christmas 1971 - Popes (I)

1971-07-31: Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970)

1971-07-31: Medals of the Summer Olympic Games 1972, Munich (I)

1971-07-29: Sports Cars (I)

1971-07-28: 25 Years UNICEF

1971-07-27: 13th World Scout Jamboree: Woodblock Prints by Hokusai

1971-07-27: Welfare: Paintings - Lions overprint

1971-05-27: 150th Anniversary of the Death of Napoleon 1821-1971

1971-05-14: 13th World Scout Jamboree, Asagiri Kogen, Japan (I)

1971-04-27: Exotic Birds

1971-04-27: Paintings of Venus

1971-04-27: Animal Paintings

1971-04-23: Stamp Exhibition PHILATOKYO ’71 (II)

1971-04-22: Apollo 15 (I)

1971-04-21: Paintings by the Impressionist Edgar Degas (1834-1917)

1971-04-21: Paintings of the Impressionist Auguste Renoir (1841-1919)

1971-04-21: Paintings by Tiziano Vecellio (about 1488-1576)

1971-04-21: French Impressionist and Expressionist Paintings

1971-04-21: Paintings (1971)

1971-04-12: Exotic Birds: Art by Hiroshige and Hokusai

1971-04-02: Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965)

1971-04-02: 200th Birthday of Ludwig van Beethoven

1971-03-16: Personalities and Their Zodiac Signs

1971-02-26: Winter Olympic Games 1972, Sapporo (III)

1971-02-22: Summer Olympic Games 1972, Munich (III)

1971-02-22: Apollo 14

1971-02-22: Butterflies (1971)

1971-02-22: Paintings by Alexander Rutsch (overprinted)

1971-02-20: Paintings by Alexander Rutsch (1930-1998)

1971-02-20: Welfare: Paintings

1971-02-01: Summer Olympic Games 1972, Munich (II)

1971-01-25: Napoleonic Uniforms in France

1971-01-25: Project Mars

1971-01-10: Stamp Exhibition PHILATOKYO '71 (I): Japanese Costumes

1971-01-05: 65th Years of Rotary International

1971: Olympic football tournament in 1972 and 1974 World Cup, West

1971: Summer Olympic Games 1972, Munich (IV)

1971: Napoleonic Uniforms in Germany