1967-12-28: Agriculture surcharged
Agriculture surcharged
1967-12-23: World Jamboree in Idaho
World Jamboree in Idaho
1967-11-11: Transfer from Damascus to Algiers of the ashes of Abd el-Kad
Emir Abd el-KaderEmir Abd el- KaderEmir Abd el- Kader
1967-10-21: Winter Olympic Games 1968 - Grenoble
1967-09-02: 5th Mediterranean Games, Tunis
5th Mediterranean Games, Tunis
1967-07-04: National Youth Day
National Youth Day
1967-06-24: Saharan Fauna
North African Spiny-tailed Lizard (Uromastix acanthinurus)Common Ostrich (Struthio camelus)Slender-horned Gazelle (Gazella leptoceros)Fennek (Fennecus zerda)
1967-05-27: Surtax with the profit of the Red Crescent
1967-04-29: International Year of Tourism
Tourist Center of MorettiTuareg of Tassili
1967-03-26: Airmail issues - 1967
Caravelle over GhardaiaCaravelle over El Oued (Souf)
1967-02-27: Muslim arts
Museum of Bardo, AlgiersMinaret of Lakalaa of Blessed HammaduildingExcavations of Sedrata
1967-01-28: Tassili N’Ajjer cave drawings