1975-12-27: 1000th Anniversary of University of Al-Azhar
1000th Anniversary of University of Al-Azhar
1975-12-20: Historical Monuments
Mosaik, ConstantineSidi Boumediene, TlemcenPalais du Dey, Algier
1975-12-17: 30th ann. of the rebellions of Setif, Guelma and Kherrata
Massacres of Sétif, Guelma and KherrataMassacres of Sétif, Guelma and KherrataMassacres of Sétif, Guelma and KherrataMassacres of Sétif, Guelma and KherrataMassacres of Sétif, Guelma and KherrataMassacres of Sétif, Guelma and KherrataMassacres of Sétif, Guelma and KherrataMassacres of Sétif, Guelma and Kherrata
1975-11-20: 10th Congress of the Arab Postal Union
10th Congress of the Arab Postal Union
1975-08-23: Mediterranean Games
JudoJudoMediterranean Games 1975Mediterranean Games 1975 imperforateHandballSoccerAthleticsEmblem of the GamesSwimmingSwimmingEmblem of the Games
1975-08-20: 20th Anniversary of the Uprising in Skikda
20th Anniversary of the Uprising in Skikda
1975-06-28: National Network Of Satellite Telecomunications
Parabolic AntennaSatellite Earth StationAlgerian Map and Satellite
1975-06-01: National Day of the Police
National Day of the Police
1975-05-10: Stamp Day
Al Kantara Post Office
1975-03-15: Blood Transfusion
Blood Transfusion
1975-03-08: 10 Years Arab Labour Organization
10 Years Arab Labour Organization
1975-02-22: Regional Costumes
1975-01-06: Flowers
Rose (Rosa odorata) - surchargedRose (Rosa odorata) inverted surchargeRose (Rosa odorata) double surcharge