2002-12-04: Eclipse of the Sun (2002)
Eclipse of the SunEclipse of the SunEclipse of the SunEclipse of the Sun
2002-11-22: Lighthouses (2002)
Buoy No. 1 Luanda BayBeacon of Barra Do DanteBuoy No. 2 Luanda BayBeacon of Snake HeadBeacon of Moita SecaBeacon of Tafe
2002-10-15: Reptiles (2002)
Angolan Python (Python anchietae)Lizard (Lacerta sp.)Black-necked Spitting Cobra (Naja nigricollis)Nile Crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus)
2002-10-09: National Peace and Reconciliation
National Peace and Reconciliation