1980-12-22: Separation from St. Kitts-Nevis
First Petition for Separation, 1825Referendum Ballot Paper, 1967Airport Blockade, 1967Separation Celebrations, 1980Separation from St. Kitts-NevisAnguilla Flag
1980-12-18: Separation from St. Kitts-Nevis - Definitives
Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) - Overprinted and SurchargedRuby-throated Hummingbird - Overprinted and SurchargedYellow-crowned Night Heron - Overprinted and SurchargedYellow-crowned Night Heron - OverprintedSpanish Bayonet (Yucca) - Overprinted and SurchargedCable and Telegraph Building - Overprinted and SurchrgedAmerican Sparrow Hawk (Falco sparverius) - OverprintedGround Orchid - Overprinted and SurchargedGround Orchid (Tetramicra canaliculata) - OverprintedGround Orchid - Overprinted and SurchargedStoplight Parrotfish (Sparisoma viride) - OverprintedLobster Fishing Boat - OverprintedBoat Race - OverprintedSea Bean (Ipomea pes-caprae) - OverprintedSerenading - Overprinted and SurchargedSandy Island - Overprinted and SurchargedManchineel (fruit) - Overprinted and SurchargedAnguilla Bank Anole - Overprinted and SurchargedSandy Island - OverprintedManchineel (fruit) - OverprintedAnguilla Bank Anole (Anolis gingivinus) - OverprintedRed-billed Tropicbird (Phaethon aethereus) - Overprinted
1980-11-13: Christmas 1980: Birds
Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)Great Grey Heron (Ardea herodias)Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris)Christmas 1980
1980-08-04: 80th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (1900-2002)Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (1900-2002)Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (1900-2002)Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (1900-2002)80th Birthday of HM Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother
1980-05-06: London 1980 International Stamp Exhibition, May 6-14, 1980
Palace of Westminster and GB 1970 9d "Philympia" StampCity Hall, Toronto and Canada 1978 $1.50 "Capex" StampStatue of Liberty and US 1976 13c "Interphil" StampInternational Stamp Exhibition, Earls Court, London
1980-04-16: Scouting and Rotary International Anniversaries
American Sparrow Hawk (Falco sparverius) - OverprintedStoplight Parrotfish (Sparisoma viride) - OverprintedManchineel (fruit) - OverprintedGround Lizard (Anolis gingivinus) - Overprinted
1980-04-14: Salt Industry
Salt FieldTallying SaltUnloading SaltSalt Storage HeapSalt for Bagging and GrindingLoading onto BoatsSalt Industry
1980-01-14: Winter Olympic Games 1980 - Lake Placid
Downhill SkiingDownhill SkiingLugeLugeLake Placid and Olympic RingsLake Placid and Olympic RingsIce HockeyIce HockeyFigure SkatingFigure SkatingBobsleighingBobsleighing1980 Winter Olympics at Lake PlacidBobsleighingIce Hockey