1986-10-29: For the Youth
Boy / CaterpillarBoy / CocoonGirl with butterfly (Papilio thersites)
1986-08-29: International Year of Peace
Pease-Pigeon/War szenePease-Pigeon/Barbed wire
1986-05-07: Solidarity
Symbolical InterpetrationSymbolical InterpetrationSymbolical Interpetration
1986-02-05: standard series
Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia)Water skierTraditional HouseSnakeWatapana treeKing William III TowerNet fishingAloe plant
1986-01-01: Separat-status 1986-01-01
Card from ArubaEmblem from ArubaNational Anthem of ArubaFlag of Aruba