1936-12-06: Inventors
Joseph Ressel (1793-1857): ship's propellerCarl von Ghega (1802-60): SemmeringbahnJoseph Werndl (1831-89) weapons technologyCarl Auer von Welsbach (1858-1929): gas mantle lightRobert von Lieben (1873-1913): electrons amplifier tubeViktor Kaplan (1876-1934) Kaplan turbine
1936-11-02: Winteraid
Saint Martin sharing his cloak with a poorCare of the sickHoly Elisabeth donating breadHeating fuel for the poorHeating fuel for the poorSaint Martin sharing his cloak with a poorCare of the sickHoly Elisabeth donating bread
1936-07-25: Dr. Engelbert Dollfuss (1892-1934), federal chancellor
Dr. Engelbert Dollfuss (1892-1934), federal chancellor
1936-06-28: Costumes 1934
Agriculture: reaper & grain bindersCity labour: construction workers
1936-05-05: Mother's Day
Maria with Jesus, Albrecht Dürer
1936-02-20: FIS Competitions- Innsbruck 1936
FIS II - SlalomFIS II - Downhill raceFIS II - SlalomFIS II - Innsbruck