1981-12-05: Solidarity
Gendarmerie on horsebackCarabinierGuide on horseback
1981-11-21: Christmas 1981
Christmas - The Nativity
1981-11-16: ATM Labels
Trial Edition - Liège X - P3001Liège X - P3001Liège X - P3001Liège X - P3001Trial Edition - Tournai 1 - P3002Trial Edition - Gent 1 - P3003Trial Edition - Antwerpen 1 - P3004Trial Edition - Bruxelles 1 Brussel - P3005Trial Edition - Elsene 1 Ixelles - P3006
1981-11-07: Cultural Anniversaries 1981
Max Waller (1860-1889) - AuthorGustave van de Woestyne (1881-1947) - "The Liqueur Drinkers"Fernand Séverin (1867-1931) - PoetJan van Ruusbroec (1293-1381) - AuthorSymbol of the association "la Pensée et les Hommes"
1981-11-05: King Baudouin, 1981
King Baudouin (1930-1993) - type "Velghe" Big FormatKing Baudouin (1930-1993)King Baudouin (1930-1993)
1981-10-24: Symbolic representation of stamp collecting by young childre
Symbolic representation of stamp collecting by young childre
1981-10-10: Mausoleum in the Church of Our Lady in Bruges
Mausoleum in the Church of Our Lady in Bruges
1981-09-19: Disaster Bois du Cazier
La Pietà, after a medal by Ben GenauxLa Pietà, after a medal by Ben Genaux and burning Mines
1981-09-12: French Horn
French Horn
1981-09-12: Court of Audit of Belgium
Court of Audit of Belgium
1981-09-05: Football (Soccer) player
Football (Soccer) player
1981-09-05: Edouard Remouchamps (1836-1900)
Edouard Remouchamps (1836-1900)
1981-06-13: Tourist Publicity
Statue of the Virgin at Tongre-Notre-Dame"Egmont" Castle of ZottegemThe dams of the Eau d'HeureAbbey of Tongerlo
1981-05-30: Famous people
Dr. Ovide Decroly (1871-1932) - Pedagogue
1981-05-16: Postage stamp transfer-roller - André de Cock (1880-1964)
Postage stamp transfer-roller - André de Cock (1880-1964)
1981-05-02: Europa (C.E.P.T.) 1981 - Folklore
Opsinjoorke (Mechelen) and Tchantchès (Liege)D'Artagnan and Woltje (Brussels)
1981-04-04: Red Cross
Emblem of the XVth International Congress of RadiologyAllegorical representation of International Aid
1981-03-14: Historical Anniversaries 1981
Baron Etienne de Gerlache de Gomery (1785-1871)Baron Goswin Joseph Augustin de Stassart (1780-1854)King Leopold I after Guillaume Geefs and Henri Beyaert
1981-02-07: Int. Year of the Disabled
Allegory of the brainAllegory of the eye
1981-02-05: Postage Due - Heraldic Lion Large Numeral
Heraldic Lion with Large Numeral
1981-01-26: Number on Heraldic Lion and pennant
Number on Heraldic Lion and PennantNumber on Heraldic Lion and PennantNumber on Heraldic Lion and PennantNumber on Heraldic Lion and Pennant
1981-01-26: Number on Heraldic Lion and pennant - precanceled
Precanceled Number on Heraldic Lion and Pennant