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2003-11-28: The Travels of Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul IIPope John Paul II
2003-11-28: Travels of Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul IIPope John Paul II
2003-11-28: Christmas Cats by Stellino
Christmas 2003Christmas 2003Christmas 2003Christmas 2003Christmas 2003Christmas 2003Christmas 2003
2003-08-20: Shells 2003
Shells - GonioporaShells - Mucrospirifer sp.Shells - RynchoparaShells - Lyropecten sp.Shells - Meristella sp.Shells - Megastrophia sp.Shells - Turritella sp.Shells - Neptunea sp.
2003-08-20: Cats 2003
2003-06-25: Lizards
Reptiles - Giant Day Gecko (Phelsuma madagascariensis)Reptiles - Common Chameleon (Chameleo chamaleon)Reptiles - Nile Monitor (Varanus niloticus)Reptiles - Radiated Tortoise (Geochelone radiata)
2003-06-25: Snakes (2003)
Reptiles - European Grass Snake (Natrix natrix)Reptiles - Common Mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps)
2003-05-22: Mushrooms 2003
Mushrooms - Ortidea onoticaMushrooms - Calocera viscosaMushrooms - Pleurotus ostreatusMushrooms - Morchella esculentaMushrooms - Sparassis crispaMushrooms - Cantharellus cibarius
2003-04-15: 150th Anniversary of birth of Van Gogh
Paintings by Vincent van Gogh Joseph Etienne Rodin 1889Paintings by Vincent van Go La Berceuse Augustin Roulin 1889Paintings by Vincent van Gogh Portrait Jospeh Roulin 1889Paintings by Vincent van Gogh Portrait Jospeh Roulin 1888
2003-04-15: Oldest Lighthouses in the World 2003
Lighthouses - BostonLighthouses - MacaoLighthouses - Neuwerk, GermanyLighthouses - Cordouan, FranceLighthouses - Hime-Saki, JapanLighthouses - Colonia del Sacramento, UrLighthouses - Horsbourgh, SingaporeLighthouses - Cordouan, France