1937-12-02: 150th Anniversary of United States Constitution
150th Anniversary of United States Constitution
1937-10-11: Bicentenary of founding of Rio Grande/RS by Silva Paes
Bicentenary of founding of Rio Grande/RS by Silva Paes
1937-09-30: Tourism (1937)
Monroe Palace / RJBotanical GardensMonroe PalaceBotanical Gardens
1937-09-04: 50 years Esperanto
50 years Esperanto
1937-06-10: Air Mail
NyrbaNational Flag
1937-06-09: Science and Technology
Guanabara BayGuanabara Bay
1937-01-19: Languages
9th Brazilian Congress of Esperanto - Rio de Janeiro
1937-01-02: Francisco Pereira Passos
Centenary of the birth of Francisco Pereira PassosCentenary of the birth of Francisco Pereira Passos
1937: Definitives - Economy and Culture
Mercury and GlobeMercury and GlobeAviationMercury and Globe