1940-12-18: 10 years Getúlio Vargas Government
10 years Getúlio Vargas Government
1940-12-01: Celebrations
8th Centenary of Portugals Independency
1940-11-02: 2nd Century of the Colonization of Porto Alegre/RS
2nd Century of the Colonization of Porto Alegre/RS
1940-11-01: Famous people
Birth centenary of Joaquim Machado de Assis
1940-10-30: New York World Exposition
New York World ExpositionPresident VargasNew York World ExpositionNew York World ExpositionNew York World ExpositionNew York World Exposition
1940-09-07: Geography
9th Congress Geography
1940-04-14: Fiftieth annyversary Panamerican Union
Century Panamerican Union
1940-01-19: Child welfare
Southern Cross and ChildYoung
1940: Definitives - Economy and Culture
AviationMercury and GlobeAviationAviationAviationAviationMercury and GlobeMercury and GlobeAviationAviationFaith and PowerFaith and PowerMercury and GlobeMercury and Globe
1940: Tax
1940: Postage Due
Cifra HorizontalCifra Horizontal