1954-11-22: Campaign against Leprosy - Padre Bento
1954-11-06: Sixth Spring Games
1954-10-23: Second World Basketball Championship
1954-10-22: Fourth Wheat Festival, Carazinho
1954-10-12: Removal of Ashes of Nisia Floresta from France
1954-10-08: 1st World Congress of Homeopathy
1954-10-06: 150th Birth anniversary of Admiral Barroso
1954-10-01: Portraits - Famous People in Brazil History
1954-09-27: Centenary of Education for the Blind in Brazil
1954-09-06: Marian Year
1954-09-02: Kardinal Giovanni Piazza (1884-1957)
1954-08-15: 300th Anniversary of the City of Sorocaba
1954-08-02: International Scout Encampment, Sao Paulo
1954-06-21: Birth Centenary of Apolonia Pinto
1954-06-06: 50th Anniversary of Marists in Brazil
1954-05-12: Visit of President of Lebanon
1954-04-30: Centenary of Brazilian Railways
1954-02-28: Immigrants' Monument, Caxias do Sul
1954-02-27: Grape Festival, Rio Grande do Sul
1954-02-24: Tenth International Congress of Scientific Organisation
1954-02-18: 300th Anniversary of Recovery from the Dutch of Pernambuco
1954-01-25: 400th Anniversary of Sao Paulo
1954-01-18: Centenary of State of Parana
1954-01-13: Death Bicentenary of Gusmao