1960-12-22: Monument
1960-12-16: International Industrial and Commercial Exhibition
1960-12-15: Sport
1960-11-11: World Volleyball Championships
1960-10-18: 12th Spring Games
1960-10-15: Tenth Pan-American Railways Congress
1960-10-12: Birth Centenary of Paulo de Frontin
1960-08-05: Henry the Navigator
1960-07-28: Centenary of Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture
1960-07-23: 50th Anniversary of Scouting in Brazil
1960-07-01: 10th Baptist World Congress
1960-06-16: Eucharistic Congress
1960-04-21: Inauguration of Brasilia as Capital
1960-04-13: Portraits - Famous People in Brazil History
1960-04-07: World Refugee Year
1960-03-19: Birth Centenary of Adel Pinto
1960-03-10: Birth Centenary of L. Zamenhof
1960-02-23: Visit of Dwight D. Eisenhower to Brazil
1960-01-19: Adolfo López Mateos
1960-01-03: Birth Centenary of Luiz de Matos (1860-1926)