1963-12-28: 150th Birth Anniversary of Viscount de Maua
1963-12-19: Birth Centenary of Dr. Alvaro Alvim
1963-12-08: 250th Anniversary of Sao Joao del Rey
1963-11-29: 100 Years Born Antonio A. Borges de Medeiros
1963-11-24: Campaign against Leprosy - Padre Bento
1963-11-05: Spring Games
1963-10-03: Tenth Anniversary of National Petroleum Industry
1963-09-20: Eighth International Leprology Congress, Rio de Janeiro
1963-09-19: Marechal Josip Broz Tito from Yuguslavia visit to Brazil
1963-09-13: International Students' Games, Porto Alegre
1963-08-28: First Anniversary of National Nuclear Energy Commission
1963-08-24: Death Centenary of Joao Caetano
1963-08-19: Red Cross Centenary
1963-06-18: Freedom from Hunger
1963-06-13: Birth Bicentenary of Jose B. de Andrada e Silva
1963-06-06: 15th Anniversary of Organisation of American States
1963-05-22: Fourth Pan-American Games, Sao Paulo
1963-05-15: IV World Championship Basktball - RJ
1963-04-24: National Education Week
1963-04-19: Ecumenical Council, Vatican City
1963-03-15: International Aeronautics and Space Exposition, Sao Paulo
1963-01-31: Politics
1963-01-25: Tercentenary of Brazilian Posts
1963-01-14: FIFA World Cup 1962 - Chile