1966-12-08: Christmas 1966
1966-12-05: LUBRAPEX - 1966
1966-11-24: Campaign against Leprosy - Padre Bento
1966-11-22: Bicentenary of António Correia Pinto's Arrival in LAGES
1966-10-24: 20th Anniversary of UNESCO
1966-10-15: 1st National Exhibition of the Tobacco Industry
1966-10-06: Centenary of Goeldi Museum
1966-09-20: Personalities
1966-09-06: New Military Service Law
1966-08-18: 150th Anniversary French Artistic Mission
1966-07-31: Century Eliseu Visconde Painter
1966-07-18: Israel's President - Zalman Shazar
1966-07-01: International Hydrological Decade - UNESCO
1966-06-13: Centenary of the Death of C. Mariz e Barros
1966-06-03: The Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican
1966-05-24: Centenary of Battle of Tuiuti
1966-04-26: 50th Anniversary Discovery Typhus Epidemic Pathogen
1966-04-16: Silver Jubilee of the National Steel Company
1966-04-01: New Iron Ore Terminal - Espirito Santo
1966-03-25: Religion
1966-03-14: 5º Birth Progress Alliance
1966-02-17: 150th Birth Anniversary of Francisco Varnhagen
1966-01-20: Politics