1975-12-29: Anniversary of the United Nations
Anniversary of the United Nations
1975-12-22: World Record - Pan-american Games in Mexico
World Record - Pan-american Games in Mexico
1975-12-19: Tourism (1975)
Praia de Guarapari - Esperito SantoPedra Azul - PiauíTorres - Rio Grande do Sul
1975-12-02: Personalities
King D. Pedro II
1975-11-27: Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day
1975-11-19: 2º Interamerican Telecomunication Conference
2º Interamerican Telecomunication Conference
1975-11-04: Christmas 1975
Baroque Angels
1975-10-27: American Society of Travel Agents
American Society of Travel Agents
1975-10-23: Education and Culture
Book Day
1975-09-27: Historical cities of Brazil
Alcântara (MA)Goiás (GO)S. Cristóvão (SE)
1975-09-23: International Women's Year
Woman with Flowers
1975-09-16: 2nd Antenna for Satellite Communication
2nd Antenna for Satellite Communication
1975-09-15: Annual Festival of the Tree
Annual Festival of the Tree
1975-08-22: Folk Dances
Folklore - Congada / MGFolklore - Quadrilha Guerreiros / ALFolklore - Frevo / PE
1975-08-01: Philately
Stamp Day
1975-07-15: Saint Year
Saint Year
1975-07-08: Archeology
Marajoara / Pará CeramicsFossil Fish / CearaRupestrian Inscriptions in the Tilled Stone of Ingá/Paraíba
1975-06-17: Fauna and Flora
Araucaria angustifoliaGiant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis)Yacare Caiman (Caiman yacare)
1975-05-08: Brazilian Air Force
Tribute to Ex-combatants of the Brazilian Forces During WWII
1975-05-02: Freshwater Fishes
Tiger Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus)Parrot Puffer (Colomesus psittacus)Spottail Mosquitofish (Phallocerus caudimaculatus)Red Discus (Symphysodon discus)
1975-04-18: Man and his environment
Modern Houses and Plan of BrasiliaModern Houses and Plan of Brasilia"Palafita" /AMIndian Hut, RondoniaIndian Hut, RondoniaEnxaimel Construction, Santa CatarinaEnxaimel Construction, Santa Catarina
1975-03-14: Fortresses from the colonial period
Fortress of Nossa Senhora dos Remédios, Fernando de NoronhaFortress of Santa Cruz/RJFortress of Reis Magos/RNFortress of N.S. Serrat/BA
1975-01-24: Economy
Economic Resources - Industrial Resources in São PauloEconomic Resources - Rubber Extraction in AcreEconomic Resources - Manganese Mining in Amapá
1975-01-04: Media
Centenary of Journal "São Paulo State"
1975: Mark Post and Emblem
Number 20Number 15Number 50Number 30Number 70Number 25Stamp
1975: Campaign against Leprosy - Frei Nicodemos
Campaign Against Leprosy - Frei Nicodemos