1976-12-17: Brazilian Association for Technical Standards
Brazilian Association for Technical Standards
1976-12-13: Navy Day
Sailor, 1840Marine, 1808
1976-11-26: Campaign against Leprosy - Frei Nicodemos
Campaign Against Leprosy - Frei Nicodemos
1976-11-25: Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day
1976-11-05: Brazilian Sculpture
The Dance"Our Lady of Monte Serrat", Friar A. da PiedadeSt. Joseph and Child"The Caravel" by Bruno Giorgi
1976-11-04: Christmas 1976
ChristmasChristmas - The Three Wise ManChristmas - Santa ClausChristmas - Mary, Jesus and ShepherdsChristmas - AngelsChristmas - Holy Family in the Manger
1976-10-12: Education and Culture
Ouro Preto's School of Precious Stones Mining
1976-10-04: Anniversary of the San Francisco's Death
Anniversary of the San Francisco's Death
1976-09-26: São Paulo's Subway
São Paulo's Subway
1976-09-21: Science and Technology
XX International Agency of Atomic Energy Summit
1976-09-20: Environment Conservation
Environment Conservation
1976-09-12: Homage the Social Entities - SESC and SENAC
Homage the Social Entities - SESC and SENAC
1976-08-21: Sports
Military World-wide Championship
1976-08-20: Puppet Theatre
1976-08-12: 50 years of the Brazilian Nurses Association
50 years of the Brazilian Nurses Association
1976-08-01: Philately
Stamp Day
1976-07-29: 300th Anniversary of Laguna
Santa Marta Lighthouse
1976-07-12: Freshwater Fish
Hyphessobrycon, Piratanã, Jaraqui, Jacundá, Palmito,Neon Tetra (Hyphessobrycon innesi)Splash Tetra (Copeina arnoldi)Kissing Prochilodus (Prochilodus insignis)Comb Pike Cichlid (Crenicichla lepidota)Catfish (Ageneiosus sp.)Network Cory (Corydoras reticulatus)
1976-07-01: Profession Series I (1976-1980)
GauchoBananeiro - Banana GathererRendeira - LacemakerSalineiro - Salt WorkerJangadeiro - Pirogue FishermanSeringueiro - Rubber GathererPanning for GoldBaiana
1976-06-19: Brasilian Movie Making Industry
Brasilian Movie Making Industry
1976-06-04: Preservation of Nature
Golden Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) - see Descripti
1976-06-04: Nature Conservation
Orojdea (Acacallis cyanea)
1976-05-21: Summer Olympic Games 1976 - Montreal
1976-05-14: Arts
"Regando Pedras" by José Tarciso Ramos"Finggers" by Pietrina Chercacci
1976-04-20: Day of the Diplomat - Itamaraty Palace
Day of the Diplomat - Itamaraty Palace
1976-04-19: Art
Indian Art - Body PaintigIndian Art - Bakairi Mask.Indian Art - Karajá Resplendor.
1976-04-07: Health
Health Day
1976-03-10: Centenary of the Telephone
Centenary of the Telephone
1976-02-02: Century Hydrography and Navigation
Century Hydrography and Navigation
1976-02-02: Century Hydrography and Navigation
Century Hydrography and Navigation
1976-01-21: Aviation
1st Commercial Flight of the Concorde to Brazil
1976-01-16: Economy
Preservation of the Economic Resources - ElectricityPreservation of the Economic Resources - FuelThousandth Agency of the Bank of BrazilThousandth Agency of the Bank of Brazil