1987-12-21: 400 Years of Descriptive Treaty of Brazil, by Gabriel de Sou
1987-12-20: Holy Mother of Fatima Visiting Brazil
1987-12-03: 50 years of National Orchid Society
1987-11-30: Christmas 1987
1987-11-30: 150 Years Dom Pedro II School
1987-11-26: Thanksgiving day
1987-11-24: Campaign against Leprosy - Padre Bento
1987-11-12: 450th Anniversary of Recife
1987-10-23: Book day
1987-10-04: 400 Years Saint Francis Convent -Salvador/BA
1987-08-29: Football Clubs
1987-08-27: 150 Years Portuguese Royal Literature Society
1987-08-04: National Tourism Year
1987-07-17: 50th Anniversery of Brazilian Entomological Society
1987-06-05: Fauna Preservation
1987-06-05: Honoring 40 Years Federal Apeal Court
1987-06-05: Military Club Centenary
1987-06-05: Centenary of the Agronomical Institute of Campinas
1987-05-20: 10th Pan American Games, August 7–23, 1987, Indianapolis
1987-05-05: Telecommunications Exhibition TELECOM '87, Geneva
1987-03-20: Postal Services
1987-03-09: FAB and the Antarctic Program, Flag, Adelie Penguin
1987-03-05: Heitor Villa-Lobos Birth Centenary
1987-01-13: 50 Years Fine Arts Museum Rio de Janeiro
1987-01-01: Heritage