1983-12-30: Protected Animals
Common Shrew (Sorex araneus)Greater Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum)Brown Long-eared Bat (Plecotus auritus)Eurasian Forest Dormouse (Dryomys nitedula)Edible Dormouse (Glis glis)
1983-12-22: 500th birthday of Raphael
Raphael. "Portrait of Agnolo Doni", 1506-1507Raphael. "Portrait of Cardinal", 1510Raphael. "Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione", 1515Raphael. "La donna velata", 1514-1515Raphael. "Sistine Madonna", 1513-1514
1983-12-05: 50th Anniversary of Bulgarian Composers Union
Georgi Atanasov and commemorative tabGeorgi Atanasov
1983-11-04: 90 Years Bulgarian Philatelic Society
"90th Anniversary of Bulgarian Philately", Plovdiv
1983-10-20: Locomotives
Steam Locomotive of Richard Trevithick, 1803Locomotive of Murray and Blenkinsop, 1810Locomotive of William Hadley, 1812Lokomotive "Eagle", 1835
1983-09-26: Cats (1983)
Turkish Angora (Felis silvestris catus)Siamese Cat (Felis silvestris catus)Abyssinian (Felis silvestris catus)Domestic Cat (Felis silvestris catus)Persian (Felis silvestris catus)Colorpoint Persian (Felis silvestris catus)
1983-08-10: 30 Years University of Geology and Mining, Sofia
30 Years University of Geology and Mining, Sofia
1983-07-29: Ilindensko.....
1983-07-29: Animations-film-festival
1983-07-20: World Communications Year
Radiocenter "Tolbukhin"PostieRadiocenter "Botev"
1983-07-20: International Year of Communications
International Year of Communications
1983-06-28: First Woman In Space - 20th.Anniv.
20th Anniversary of 1st Female Space FlightValentina Tereshkova (Cosmonaut)Svetlana Savitskaja (Cosmonaut)
1983-06-24: BRASILIANA ’83, Rio de Janeiro
BRASILIANA'83, Rio-de-Janeiro
1983-05-17: Folk Wear
1983-05-10: Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Martin Luther (1483-1546)
1983-04-05: Death Centenary of Karl Marx
Death Centenary of Karl Marx
1983-03-24: Freshwater Fishes
Northern Pike (Esox lucius)European Sturgeon (Huso huso)European Chub (Leuciscus cephalus)Zander (Lucioperca lucioperca)Wels Catfish (Silurus glanis)Brown Trout (Salmo trutta morpha fario)
1983-02-15: Sport
Winter Universiada-1983, SophiaChess European Championship, Plovdiv