1928-10-29: King George V 1928-29 Scroll Definitive Issue - Precancels
King George VKing George V
1928-10-25: King George V 1928-29 "Scroll" Definitive Issue
King George VKing George VKing George VKing George VKing George VKing George VKing George VKing George VKing George VKing George VKing George VKing George VKing George VKing George VMount Hurd & Indian Totem PolesMount Hurd & Indian Totem PolesKing George VKing George V Perforated OHMSKing George VKing George VKing George VKing George VKing George VKing George V Perforated OHMSKing George VKing George VKing George VKing George VKing George VKing George V Perforated OHMSKing George VKing George V Perforated OHMSKing George VKing George V Perforated OHMSMount Hurd & Indian Totem PolesMount Hurd & Indian Totem Poles Perforated OHMSKing George VMount Hurd & Indian Totem PolesKing George VKing George VKing George VKing George V
1928-09-21: Allegory of Flight
Allegory of Flight
1928-09-21: Air Mail Stamps - Perforated Large OHMS (5 Hole H)
Allegory of Flight Perforated OHMS (5-Hole H)
1928-09-21: Allegory of Flight
Allegory of Flight
1928-09-21: Allegory of Flight
Allegory of Flight
1928-09-21: Allegory of Flight
Allegory of Flight
1928: Postage due stamps 1906
Postage DuePostage DuePostage DuePostage DuePostage DuePostage DuePostage DuePostage Due
1928: Airmail Victoria Vancouver
Airmail Victoria Vancouver