1949-12-23: King George VI - 1950 - "Poste Postage" - Omitted - Coil
King George VI, from photographs by Dorothy WildingKing George VI, from photographs by Dorothy WildingKing George VI, from photographs by Dorothy Wilding
1949-12: King George VI - Peace Issue - Overprinted "OHMS"
Train Ferry1949-1950. Peace Issue- Great Bear Lake1949-1950. Peace Issue - Hydroelectric PlantCombine Harvesting1949-1950. Peace Issue - Great Bear Lake1949-1950. Peace Issue - LumberingTrain Ferry
1949-12: King George VI - 1942-48 - War Issue - Ovpt "OHMS"
King George VI in Naval UniformKing George VI in Military UniformKing George VI in Naval UniformKing George VI in Military UniformKing George VI in Air Force UniformKing George VI in Military Uniform
1949-12: King George VI - Peace Issue
Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) - OverprintCanada Goose (Branta canadensis) - Overprint
1949-11-15: King George VI - 1949-51 - "Postes-Postage"
King George VI, from photographs by Dorothy WildingKing George VI, from photographs by Dorothy WildingKing George VI, from photographs by Dorothy WildingKing George VI, from photographs by Dorothy Wilding
1949-11-15: King George VI - 1949-51 - "Postes-Postage"- Perf Small OHMS
King George VI, from photographs by Dorothy WildingKing George VI, from photographs by Dorothy Wilding
1949-11-15: King George VI - 1949-51 - "Postes-Postage Precancel
King George VI, from photographs by Dorothy WildingKing George VI, from photographs by Dorothy WildingKing George VI, from photographs by Dorothy Wilding
1949-06-21: Bicentenary of Halifax, Nova Scotia
Bicentenary of Halifax, Nova Scotia
1949-04-01: Entry of Newfoundland into Confederation
Entry of Newfoundland into Confederation