1994-11-14: Definitives 1991-96: Fruit and Nut Trees
Westcot ApricotWestcot ApricotDelicious AppleDelicious AppleDelicious AppleSnow AppleSnow AppleBartlett PearBartlett PearBartlett PearDelicious AppleDelicious AppleBartlett PearSnow AppleWestcot ApricotWestcot ApricotWestcot ApricotWestcot ApricotWestcot ApricotBartlett PearDelicious AppleBartlett PearSnow AppleWestcot ApricotWestcot Apricot
1994-11-07: 50th Anniv. of Second World War (6th series)
D-Day BeachheadArtillery - NormandyTactical Air ForcesWalcheren and the ScheldtThe Second World War, 1944
1994-11-03: Christmas (1994)
Carol Singing around Christmas TreeCarol Singing around Christmas Tree - Imperf BottomCarol Singing around Christmas Tree - Imperf TopChoirChoir - Imperf RightChoir - Imperf LeftCouple Carol Singing in SnowCouple Carol Singing in Snow - Imperf RightCouple Carol Singing in Snow - Imperf LeftCarol Singer - Imperf LeftCarol Singer - Imperf RightCarol Singing around Christmas Tree BookletChoir BookletCouple Carol Singing in Snow BookletCarol Singer BookletCarol Singer Booklet PaneCarol Singing around Christmas Tree Booklet PaneChoir Booklet PaneCouple Carol Singing in Snow Booklet Pane
1994-09-26: Prehistoric Canada (4th series), Mammals
Prehistoric Mammals se-tenantCoryphodon, Eocene EpochMegacerops, Oligocene EpochShort-faced Bear (Arctodus simus), Pleistocene EpochWoolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius), Pleistocene Epoch
1994-09-16: 50th Anniversary International Civil Aviation Organization
50th Anniversary International Civil Aviation Organization
1994-08-19: Historic Automobiles (2nd series)
Ford Model F60L-AMB, 1942-1943, Military AmbulanceReo Speed Wagon, 1925, Police WagonSicard Snow Remover, 1927, SnowblowerBickle Chieftain, 1936, Fire EngineOttawa Car Company Streetcar, 1894, Saint John Railway Co. CMCI Courier 50 Skyview, 1950, Motor CoachHistoric Vehicles
1994-08-19: Definitives 1992-1998: Edible Berries
Kinnikinnick (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)Black Crowberry (Empetrum nigrum)
1994-08-12: Birth Centenaries 1994
William Avery Bishop / Mary TraversWilliam Avery Bishop (1854-1956)Mary Travers (1894-1941)
1994-06-30: Canada Day (1994), Maple Trees
Maple treesBigleaf MapleSugar MapleSilver MapleStriped MapleNorway MapleManitoba MapleBlack MapleDouglas MapleVine MapleHedge MapleRed MapleMountain Maple
1994-06-02: International Year of the Family
International Year of the FamilyMother and childFamily OutingChild with Elderly WomanEducationSocial aid
1994-05-20: XV Commonwealth Games
Lawn BowlsDivingCyclingLacrosseWheelchair MarathonHigh JumpLawn bowls / LacrosseWheelchair Marathon / High Jump
1994-05-06: Masterpieces of Canadian Art 1994
Canadian Art - Vera by Frederick H. Varley
1994-04-22: Canadian Rivers (4th series), Routes of the Fur Traders
French River - Imperf TopFrench River - Imperf BottomMackenzie River - Imperf TopMackenzie River - Imperf BottomChurchill River - Imperf TopChurchill River - Imperf BottomColumbia River - Imperf TopColumbia River - Imperf BottomRoutes of the Fur Traders Strip of 5Routes of the Fur Traders BookletSaguenay River - Imperf TopSaguenay River - Imperf BottomRoutes of the Fur Traders Booklet Pane
1994-03-17: 125th Anniversary of T. Eaton Company Ltd.
Timothy Eaton (1834-1907)Timothy Eaton Co. Ltd. Booklet
1994-03-08: Jeanne Sauvé, Governor-General
Jeanne Sauvé, Governor-General
1994-03-08: Jeanne Sauvé, Governor-General
Jeanne Sauvé, Governor-General
1994-02-21: High Value Definitives 1991-96: Architecture
Court House, YorktonProvincial Normal School, TruroProvincial Normal School, Truro
1994-01-28: Greeting Stamps 1994
Quick-stick, Canada at leftQuick-stick, Canada at rightQuick-stick, CanadaQuick-stick, CanadaQuick-stick, Canada
1994-01-07: Definitives 1989-2005: Canadian Flag
Canadian Flag over FieldCanadian Flag over FieldCanadian Flag over FieldCanadian Flag over FieldCanadian Flag over FieldCanadian Flag over FieldCanadian Flag over FieldCanadian Flag over Field