1974-12-20: Centenary of Universal Postal Union (U.P.U.)
Mail Delivery by Diesel TrainMail Delivery by CanoeMail Delivery by JetTransmission of Messages by Satellite
1974-11-11: World Population Year
World Population Year
1974-10-22: World Cup Soccer
Football World Cup in MunichFootball World Cup in MunichFootball World Cup in Munich
1974-10-02: 1st anniv. the Chadian Red Cross
1st anniv. the Chadian Red Cross
1974-09-03: Insects (1974)
Red Velvet Mite (Dinothrombium tinctorium)Jewel Beetle (Buprestis sternocera)Robber Fly (Hyperechia bomboides)Cuckoo Wasp (Chrysis chrysis)Giant Longhorn Beetle (Tithoes confinis)Camel Spider (Galeodes arabs)
1974-08-06: Aviation
Overview of Africa by "Skylab"Overview of Africa by "Skylab"