1993-12-15: City Founding Anniversaries
250 years foundation of Rancagua250 years foundation of Curico225 years foundation of Ancud
1993-12-03: Chilean Antarctic Territory
Adelie Penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae)Adelie Penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae)Adelie Penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae)Adelie Penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae)Adelie Penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae)
1993-11-29: Christmas 1993
Christmas 93Booklet ChristmasChristmas 93Holy Family
1993-11-24: International Years
International Year of Indigenous Peoples
1993-10-27: Chile - Naval Tradition
175 Years Naval School Arturo Prat125 Years Naval School Alejandro Navarrete175 Years Marine Corps175 Years Sailling of first naval squadron
1993-10-21: Ships
Taking Possession of the Magellan Strait, 150th Anniv.
1993-10-19: Railway
Urban Transport Company "METRO S.A:"
1993-10-12: America Issue: Endangered Fauna (1993)
Burrowing Parrot (Cyanoliseus patagonus byroni)South Andean Huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus)
1993-10-07: 250th Anniversary of the Mint of Chile
Coinage250th Anniversary of the Mint of Chile
1993-09-28: Chilean Painting
Mario Carreño "Tarde Amanecer"García Barrios "Verano"Roser Bru "Figura Protegida"Nemesio Antúnez "Tanguería - Valparaiso"
1993-09-15: National dance
Cueca nortinaCuenca centralCuenca chilota
1993-07-21: Churches of Chiloe
NerconQuehuiChiloé ChurchesQuinchaoTenaunDalcahueLlau-llaoChonchiVilupulliIglesia de CastroChurch of Achao
1993-07-13: Aviation
Douglas B-26 InvaderMirage M50 PantherSánchez BesaBell 47D1 helicopterAviation and Space
1993-06-30: Fire brigade
Watterous 1902, CanadaMerryweather 1872, UKFire Brigade
1993-05-19: Vicente Huidobro, birth Cent.
Vicente HuidobroVicente Huidobro by Juan GrisVicente Huidobro, Poet
1993-04-26: II Space Conference of the Americas
II Space Conference of the AmericasII Space Conference of the Americas
1993-04-22: Folklore festivals
World Theatre Festival
1993-03-31: Personalities commemoratives
Santa Teresa de Los AndesInternational Labor Day - Clotario Blest
1993-03-15: Jesuit presence in Chile, 4th Cent.
Ignacio de Loyola400 Years Arrived of the Jesuits to Chile
1993-02-05: Postage stamps for bulk mail
Chiloé Churches DS/20Christmas 93 DS/20Christmas 93 DS/20Christmas 93 DS/20Booklet Christmas   “D.S. No 20.”Iglesia de Achao DS/20Iglesia de Castro DS/20