2008-12-10: National Police Force College, Cent.

2008-11-28: Osorno, 450th Anniv.

2008-11-26: Christmas 2008

2008-11-25: Teleton, 30th Anniv.

2008-11-21: Torres del Paine National Park

2008-10-30: America Issue: National Festivals (2008)

2008-09-05: Tribute to Bischop Francisco M. Valdés Subercaseaux

2008-08-14: Chilean Accountants College, 50th Anniv.

2008-07-31: Women World Cup Under 20

2008-07-18: Taltal, 150th Anniv.

2008-06-26: Salvador Allende, birth Cent.

2008-03-26: Paintings by Roberto Matta

2008-03-17: Visit of President of Italy

2008-02-25: Street Trades

2008-01-29: International Polar Year

2008-01-18: Easter Island