1954-12-30: 1st Session of National Congress
1st Session of National CongressWoman leaving the vote
1954-12-30: Constitution Commemoration
New ConstitutionNew Constitution
1954-12-15: Progress and Technology
Technical ProgressTechnical Progress
1954-11-07: Industry and Culture exposition
Industry and Culture exposition
1954-10-15: 5th Death Anniversary of Stalin
1954-08-25: Glorious Mother Country (5th issue)
Neolithic Period Pottery VesselsNeolithic Period Pottery VesselsNeolithic Period Pottery VesselsNeolithic Period Pottery Vessels
1954-07-01: Gate of Heavenly Peace,Peking (VI)
Gate of Heavenly PeaceGate of Heavenly PeaceGate of Heavenly PeaceGate of Heavenly PeaceGate of Heavenly PeaceGate of Heavenly PeaceGate of Heavenly PeaceGate of Heavenly Peace
1954-06-30: 30th Death Anniversary of Lenin
Lenin-StalinVladimir Lenin (1870-1924)Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924)
1954-05-01: Industry
Economic progressEconomic progressEconomic progressEconomic progressEconomic progressEconomic progressEconomic progressEconomic progressSteel millSteel mill