1959-12-28: 1st National Sport Games,Peking
Statue of SportParachutingPistol-ShootingDivingTable-TennisWeightliftingHigh JumpingRowingRunningBasketballFencingMotor CyclingGymnasticsCyclingHorce racingFootball
1959-12-10: Cultural Palace of Nationalities
New Culture PalaceNew Culture Palace
1959-12-01: Exhibition of Industry and Communications
Industry expositionIndustry exposition
1959-11-10: 10th anniversary of the Young Pioneers
10 years Youth Organisation10 years Youth OrganisationPioneers’ emblemPioneer BuglerSchoolgirlBoy planting tree
1959-09-28: 10th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China
Mao and Gate of Heavently PeaceMarx, Lenin and KremlinDove over globeCoat of ArmsCoat of ArmsCoat of ArmsCoat of ArmsBlast FurnacesLarge coal minePlaner, Wuhan heavy machinery plantWuhan Yangtze River BridgeCombine harvesterHsinankiang Hydroelectric StationSpinning machineKirin chemical fertilizer plantCelebration at Gate of Heavenly GateWorkers and factoryPeople rejoicingMao Proclaiming Republic
1959-09-25: First Anniversary of Peoples’ Communes
Sun Rising over “Industry and Agriculture"Backyard Steel ProductionFarmingTradeEducationMilitiaCommunal diningNurseryCare for the agedHealth servicesFlutist; culture and sportsFlower symbolizing
1959-09-10: Soviet Space Rocket
Soviet Space Rocket
1959-08-30: Sport
Tabletennis championshipsTabletennis championships
1959-08-15: Stamp Printing Plant
Stamp Printing Plant
1959-07-25: 10th Anniversary of the World Peace Movement
Frédéric Joliot-Curie (1900-1958)People of different races
1959-07-01: 40th Anniv.. of the May 4th students’ uprising
40th anniv. of the May 4th students’ uprising.40th anniv. of the May 4th students’ uprising.
1959-06-20: Opening of new Peking Airport
Opening of New Peking AirportOpening of new Peking Airport
1959-05-01: Labor Day
International Labor DayInternational Labor DayInternational Labor Day
1959-04-25: Definitive Series 1954-1955, Farmer
1959-04-01: Opening of Museum of Natural History
Museum of Natural HistoryMuseum of Natural History
1959-03-08: International Women’s Day
International Women’s DayInternational Women’s Day
1959-02-15: Industry
Great Leap ForwardGreat Leap ForwardGreat Leap Forward
1959-01-01: Folk art
Paper cutoutsPaper cutoutsPaper CutoutsPaper cutouts