1989-12-15: 11th Asian Games

1989-11-25: Views of West Lake

1989-11-15: Military

1989-11-01: Beijing Electron-Positron Collider

1989-10-29: Centenary of the Birth of Li Dazhao

1989-10-12: Goddess

1989-10-12: 150th Anniversary of Photography

1989-10-01: 40th Anniversary of People's Republic

1989-09-28: 2540th Anniversary of the birth of Confucius

1989-09-21: People's political conference

1989-09-01: Contemporary Art

1989-08-25: Nature

1989-08-10: Achievements of Socialist Construction

1989-08-04: 10th Anniversary of Asia-Pacific Telecommunity

1989-07-25: The Outlaws of the Marsh - A Literary Masterpiece

1989-06-29: Centenary of Establishment of International Parliamentary Un

1989-06-01: Children’s Day 1989

1989-05-04: 70th Anniversary of May 4th Movement

1989-04-07: Cancer

1989-03-25: Silk painting from an grave - Mawangdui

1989-03-10: Folk Houses

1989-02-21: Pheasant

1989-01-29: 90th Anniversary of the Birth of Qu Qiubai

1989-01-05: Chinese New Year 1989 - Year of the Snake