2002-12-07: Gibbons
Lar Gibbon (Hylobates Iar)Northern White-cheeked Gibbon (Nomascus leucogenys)Western Black-crested Gibbon (Hylobates concolor)Hoolock Gibbon (Hylobates hoolock)
2002-11-20: China - South Korea Joint issue
Kung FuTaekwondo
2002-11-20: Martial Arts
Martial Arts
2002-11-09: Museums
ShaanxiShanghaiHenanTibet Museum, LhasaTianjin
2002-11-08: Flower
2002-11-08: Hukou Waterfall
Huoko Waterfall
2002-10-26: Dong Yong and Lady
Dong Yong and LadyDong Yong's Filial Love Moves ImmortalsDong Yong marries seven immortal maidensImmortal maiden weaving brocadeDong Yong returns homeEverlasting love
2002-10-12: Architecture in Slovakia and China
Bojnice Castle, SlovakiaCongtai, HandanFamous BuildingsFamous Buildings
2002-10-12: Peng Zhen
Peng Zhen, politicianPeng Zhen as soldier
2002-09-21: Mid-Autumn Festival
The moon as a matchmakerMid-Autumn FestivalFamily reunionLooking at Moon
2002-09-07: Yandangshan Mountains
2002-08-20: Scientists of Ancient China
Bian QueLiu HuiSu SongSong Yingxing
2002-08-01: Early Leaders of the Communist Party
Huang GonglueXu JishenCai ShengxiWei BaqunLiu Zhidan
2002-07-20: Lake Qinghai
LandscapeMigratory birdsBirds island
2002-07-15: Antarctic Scenes
Grove Mountains, Snow Petrel (Pagodroma nivea)Emperor Penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri)Aurora australis
2002-06-29: Desert Flowers
Tamarix leptostachysDesert FlowersAmmopiptanthus mongolicusCalligonum rubicundumHedysarum scoparium
2002-06-18: Dazu Stone Carvings
AvalokitesvaraThe Three Wise AvatamasakaSamantabhadraStatue in the Cave of Three RulersAvalokitesvara of Thousand HandsAvalokitesvara of Thousand Hands
2002-06-08: Yellow River Dams
Lijia HPSLiujia HPSQingtong damSanmen damXiaolangdi Dam
2002-05-18: Lighthouses
Maota Pagoda LighthouseJiangxin Pagoda LightsHuaniaoshan LighthouseLaotieshan LighthouseLin'gao Lighthouse
2002-05-16: FIFA World Cup 2002 - Korea / Japan
SoccerWorld Cup SoccerWorld Cup Soccer
2002-05-10: Ruyi seal
Seal and impression
2002-05-01: Ancient City of Lijiang
Sifang StreetStreamHouse of Naxi PeopleAncient City of Lijiang
2002-04-26: Qianshan Mountain
QianshanTerrace of ImmortalsWuliang Taoist TempleMaitreya PeakLongquan Temple
2002-04-21: Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, by Pu Songling
Bai QiulianXi FangpingPianpianTian Qilang
2002-03-30: Song Dynasty Pottery and Porcelain
Wine vesselThree-legged basinBowlDish
2002-03-16: The Royal Carriage, by Yan Liben
The Royal CarriageThe Royal Carriage
2002-02-23: Musical Instruments
2002-02-05: China - Malaysia Joint Issue
Camellia nitidissimaCanonball Tree Flower (Couroupita guianensis)
2002-02-01: Environmental Protection
Tree: Protection of ForestsCloud: Protection of the AtmosphereStone: Sensible Use of Natural ResourcesFetus: Keeping Birth Rate LowDrop: Water ProtectionWaves: Protection of the Oceans
2002-02-01: Birds of China
Biddulph's Ground-jay (Podoces biddulphi)Ala Shan Redstart (Phoenicurus alaschanicus)Cabot's Tragopan (Tragopan caboti)Taiwan Blue Magpie (Urocissa caerulea)Tibetean Bunting (Emberiza koslowi)Cabot's Tragopan (Tragopan caboti) booklet
2002-01-20: Paintings by Badashanren
Pair of EaglesPineLotus flowersVase with ChrysanthemumsMagpiesLandscape
2002-01-05: Chinese New Year 2002 - Year of the Horse
Porcelain HorseChinese character for HorsePorcelain HorseChinese Character for Horse