1965-11-17: Army in the service of the country (I)
Medical careBridge buildingFeeding childTelegraph line maintenanceBuilding constructionSoldier in front of national flag
1965-10-25: UN (United Nations), 20th Anniversary
Matadi portKatanga minesTshopo dam near Stanleyville (Kisangani)Matadi portKatanga minesTshopo dam near Stanleyville (Kisangani)
1965-07-05: Independence Anniversaries
1965-06-28: Centenary of International Telecommunication Union (I.T.U.)
1965-04-01: African Games
BasketballFootball (Soccer)VolleyballBasketballFootball (Soccer)Volleyball
1965-03-01: World Fair, New York
International Exhibition at New YorkInternational Exhibition at New YorkInternational Exhibition at New YorkInternational Exhibition at New YorkInternational Exhibition at New YorkInternational Exhibition at New YorkInternational Exhibition at New York