1962-12-21: Christmas 1962
Gracile Banded Dwarf Boa (Tropidophis wrighti)Blue Iguana (Cyclura macleayi) found locallyCicada (Hortensia conciliata) found locallyDesmarest's Hutia (Capromys pilorides)Leaf Beetle (Cubispa turquino)Cuckoo Wasp (Chrysis superba) found locallyWeevil (Lachnopus argus) found locallyTree Boa (Epicrates angulifer) found locallyLeach's Single-leaf Bat (Monophyllus c. cubanus)Longhorn Beetle (Essostruta roberto) found locallyDesmarest's Hutia (Capromys pilorides)Cuban Solenodon (Solenodon cubanus)Night Lizard (Cricosaura typica) found locallyNight Anole (Anolis equestris) found locallyPrehensile-tailed Hutia (Capromys prehensilis)Reptiles found locallyLocal InsectsRodents/Bat
1962-12-14: Fight against Malaria
Malaria Vector Mosquito (Anopheles albimanus)Chemist’s structural formulas for quinine, cinchona plantMagnified specimen of the parasitic protozoa, microscope
1962-10-13: Latin American University Games
BasketballRunningBaseballWorld Map
1962-10-01: First congress of the Cubans Woman
Woman-heads and FlowersMother, Child and Globe
1962-08-27: 9th Central American and Caribbean Games
Baseball BatsFoilTennis RacketsBoxing
1962-08-18: Stamp Exhibition PRAGA 1962
Praga ’62 Philatelic ExhibitionStamp Exhibition PRAGA 1962
1962-07-28: Youth Festivals
8th World Youth and Student Festival8th World Youth and Student FestivalWorld Festival of Youth and Students, Helsinki
1962-07-26: 9th anniversary of the rebellion
Schoolgirls of Moncada-schoolAbel Santamaria and barracks under siege
1962-07-25: National Sport Institute INDER
JudoArcheryRowingDriving Motor-boatSwimmingKayakingSailingWeightliftingPistolWater PoloBoxingEquestrian show JumpingGymnastics - Still RingsDiscus ThrowRoad CyclingRoller SkatingTen Pin BowlingModel Aircraft flyingPelotaChess PlayerFencingFootball (Soccer)BasketballBaseballTennisVolleyballSquashStadiumWrestlingSpear fishing
1962-07-20: Endemic birds
Crested Caracara (Caracara plancus)Northern Jacana (Jacana spinosa)Ivory-billed Woodpecker (Campephilus principalis)
1962-05-01: International Labour Day
Worker and FarmerWorker and farmerIntl Labor Day
1962-04-24: Stamp Day
First Ship with Post To West IndiesGalleon 18th century
1962-04-17: 1st anniversary of the Invasion at Bay of Pigs
Soldiers and crashed aircraftSoldiers and crashed aircraftSoldiers and crashed aircraft
1962-03-26: International Broadcasting
International radio serviceGlobe, radio waves, notesGlobe, radio waves, notesGlobe, radio waves, notes
1962-02-26: National Militia
Armed worker and welderArmed woman and sewing-machinistArmed peasant and tractor
1962-01-16: Socialist Cuba, 1st Anniv.
1st Sugarcane Harvest1st Sugarcane Harvest
1962-01-03: 3rd anniversary of the revolution
Medal with medal ribbonsCamilo CienfuegosCamilo CienfuegosCamilo CienfuegosCamilo Cienfuegos