1972-12-22: Sporting events of the year 1972 - Posters
1972-12-15: Baseball Worldcup
1972-12-08: UNESCO's Campaign "Save Venice"
1972-11-30: Maritime History - Ships Through the Ages
1972-11-18: Stamp Exhibition MATEX 72
1972-09-25: Butterflies 1972
1972-09-20: International Decade of Hydrology, paintings
1972-08-26: Summer Olympic Games 1972 - Munich
1972-07-30: Frank Pais
1972-06-30: Horse Breeds
1972-05-25: Paintings from the Museum of the City of Havana
1972-05-19: Conference Against the War in Vietnam
1972-05-01: Labour Day
1972-04-24: Stamp Day
1972-04-12: Soviet Spaceflight
1972-02-25: Tropical Orchids
1972-01-25: Paintings from the National Museum (1972)