1980-12-17: 2nd Communist Party Congress
Congress emblemIndustry, communication
1980-11-20: Wild Flowers
Pancratium arenicolumUrechites luteaSolanum elaeagnifoliumHamelia patensMorinda royocCentrosema virginianum
1980-11-10: Summer Olympic Games 1980 - Moscow (Medals)
Shooting, Disco (men), Weightlifting, BoxingShooting, Disco (men), Weightlifting, BoxingRunning (men), Judo, BoxingRunning (men), Judo, BoxingWeightlifting, Javelin-throwing (women), BoxingWeightlifting, Javelin-throwing (women), Boxing
1980-10-30: Cuban Lighthouses (I)
"Roncali", San-Antonio"Jagua", Cienfuegos"Punta-Majat", Guantanamo
1980-10-15: Locomotives
Locomotive "Josefa", 2-2-0Locomotive 2-2-2Locomotive 0-4-0Locomotive 2-4-2Locomotive 2-4-0Locomotive 0-4-0
1980-09-28: Revolution comité
XX Aniv. De los C.D.R.
1980-09-23: Space
First Cuban Cosmonaut, Arnaldo TamayoFirst Cuban Cosmonaut, Arnaldo Tamayo
1980-09-15: 1st Havana Declaration
20th Anniversary of 1st Havana Declaration
1980-09-15: History of Cuban Ship Building
Galleon "Nuestra Seňora de Atocha", 1620Ship of the Line "El Rayo", 1749Ship of the Line "Santisima Trinidad", 1769Ship of the Line "Santisima Trinidad", 1805Steamships "El Colón" & "El Congreso", 1851Cardenas and Chullima shipyards, 1980
1980-08-23: 20th Anniversary of Cuban Women Federation
20th Anniversary of Cuban Women Federation
1980-07-29: Spanish-Cuban Copper Crafts
PitcherWine container
1980-07-26: Moncada Program
Nationalization of Foreign Industry, 20th anniv.Homes, a symbol of the city reform
1980-06-20: Sea mammals
Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)Cuvier's Beaked Whale (Ziphius cavirostris)Caribban Monk Seal (Monachus tropicalis)
1980-05-20: Orchids
Bletia purpureaOncidium leiboldiiEpidendrum cochleatumCattleyopsis lindeniiEncyclia fucataEncyclia phoenicea
1980-04-24: 125th Anniversary of Cuban Stamps
125th Anniversary of Cuban Stamps
1980-04-12: Intercosmos Program
Emblem of "Intercosmos" ProgramSatellite and globe (Physics)Satellite and dish aerial (Communications)Satellite, grid lines and map (Meteorology)Staff of Aesculapius, rocket and satellitesSurveying Satellite
1980-04-01: Philatelic Exhibitions
LONDON'80. J.Constable. "Malvern Hall"ESPAMER'80. J.Sorolla. "Clotilde walking in Gardens of Farm"49th Congress of FIP. L.T.Ring-Jr. "Portrait of Lady"VII National Philatelic Exhibition - Mail Train, 1839
1980-03-11: Paintings from the National Museum (1980)
Oaks, Henri-Joseph HarpigniesFamily Meeting, Willem van MierisPoultry, Melchior de HondecoeterInnocence, William-Adolphe BouguereauVenetian Scene II, Michele MarieschiSpanish Girl, Joaquín Domínguez Bécquer
1980-02-20: Summer Olympic Games 1980 - Moscow (II)
WeightliftingShootingJavelin-throwingGreco-Roman wrestlingJudoRunningBoxingVolleyballOlympic mascot-1980 - BearOlympic mascot-1980 - Bear
1980-01-25: Insects of Cuba
Weevil (Rhina oblita)Cricket (Odontocera josemartii)Longhorn Beetle (Pinthocoelium columbinum)Calosoma Beetle (Calosoma splendida)Beetle (Homophileurus cubanus)Longhorn Beetle (Heterops dimidiata)