1981-12-25: 20th Anniv. Of Literacy Campaign
Conrad Benitez, Manuel AscunceConrado BenitezManuel Ascunce
1981-12-20: Birth Centenary of F. Ortiz, ethnographer
Birth Centenary of F. Ortis, ethnographerAfrican IdolAraraAfrican god of thunder "Chango"
1981-12-14: Fauna (1981)
Desmarest's Hutia (Capromys pilorides)Cuban Emerald (Riccordia ricordii)Cuban Parakeet (Aratinga euops)Cuban Solenodon (Atopogale cubana)West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manatus)Cuban Crocodile (Crocodylus rhombifer)
1981-12-02: 25th anniversary of the revolution
RevolutionariesMarksmanLanding at Granma
1981-12-01: 20th anniversary of Napoleon Museum
Unknown painter. "Napoleon in coronation dress"Emile Jean Horace Vernet. "Napoleon on battlefield"Edouard Detaille. "Napoleon in Egypt"Napoleon on Horseback, Hippolyte BellangeHippolyte Bellange. "Napoleon in Normandia"Unknown painter. "Death of Napoleon"
1981-10-25: Birth Centenary of Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
Portrait of Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) and Artist's Painting
1981-10-18: Jose Marti National Library, 80 th anniv
Sugar mill "Flor de Cuba"Sugar mill "El Progresso"Sugar mill "Santa Teresa"
1981-10-15: Cuban Lighthouses (II)
"Piedras", Matanzas"Punta Lukrecia", Holguín"Guano del Este", Cienfuegos
1981-09-15: Horses
Horse (Equus ferus caballus)Horse (Equus ferus caballus)Horse (Equus ferus caballus)Horse (Equus ferus caballus)Horse (Equus ferus caballus)Herd of Horses (Equus ferus caballus)
1981-09-01: 20 years Aligned Movement countries
Hands globe dove of peace
1981-08-14: Carlos Finlay portrait
Carlos Finlay portrait
1981-07-26: State Institutions, 20th anniv.
20th Anniversary of Institute for SportsMinistry of Foreign Trade
1981-07-26: Radio Havana
20th anniversary of Radio Habana
1981-07-23: 20th Anniversary of Sandinista National Liberation Front
Sandinista Guerrilla and Map of Nicaragua
1981-07-15: International Year of Disabled Persons
House in the Country, María Caridad (disabled artist)
1981-06-25: Transport
Horse-drawn TramHorse bus6-seater Open CarriageLandoPhaetonCatafalque
1981-06-06: Ministry of the Interior
Interior Logo
1981-05-25: Fighting Cocks
Canelo (Gallus gallus domesticus)Cenizo (Gallus gallus domesticus)Blanco (Gallus gallus domesticus)Pinto (Gallus gallus domesticus)Giro (Gallus gallus domesticus)Jabao (Gallus gallus domesticus)
1981-05-22: Philatelic Exhibitions
Red Deer (Cervus elaphus)BULGARIA-81. Z.Dabova. "Mother and Child"PHILATOKYO'81. Kitagawa Utamaro. "Romance in Tea House"ESPAMER'81. 1st Spanish state sailboat  for postal ties withULGARIA-81. Z.Dabova. "Mother and Child"Red Deer (Cervus elaphus)PHILATOKYO'81. Toyoharu. "Romance in Tea House"Expo ESPAMER '81
1981-05-17: 20th Anniversary of ANAP
20th Anniversary of ANAP
1981-04-29: 25th anniversary of the attack on the Goicuria barracks
Reynold Garcia Garcia, buildings, school children
1981-04-19: 20th anniversary of the events of the month April 1961
Hand raising gunBook and red flagFounding of the Revolutionary Air Force (DAAFAR)
1981-04-12: First Manned Space Flight, 20th anniversary
J. Verne, K. Tsiolkovsky, S. KorolyovY.Gagarin, 1st Cosmonaut in WorldV. Tereshkova, 1st Woman in Space, Spaceship "Soyuz"A.Leonov, 1st SpacewalkB.Egorov, K.Feoktistov, V.Komarov - 1st  spaceship crew of 3L.Popov, V.Ryumin. "Soyuz-35/37" - "Salyut-6"Y.Romanenko, Arnaldo Tamajo. "Soyuz-38" - "Salyut-6"
1981-04-10: Opening of the 1st Kindergarten, 20th anniversary
Opening of the 1st Kindergarten, 20th anniversary
1981-03-20: FIFA World Cup 1982 - Spain
FIFA World Cup. Spain-1982FIFA World Cup. Spain-1982FIFA World Cup. Spain-1982FIFA World Cup. Spain-1982FIFA World Cup. Spain-1982FIFA World Cup. Spain-1982FIFA World Cup. Spain-1982
1981-02-25: Sea fishes
Shortfin Mako Shark (Isurus oxyrinchus)Opah (Lampris regius)Indo-Pacific Sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus)Ocean Sunfish (Mola mola)Common Dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus)White Marlin (Tetrapturus albidus)
1981-01-20: Paintings from the National Museum (1981)
Lady Mayo, Anthony van DyckSpinner, Giovanni Battista PiazzettaDaniel Collyer, Francis Cotes (1750)Garden in Palma de Mallorca, Santiago RusiñolLandscape with Road and Village, Frederick W. WattsLandscape with Sheep, Frederick W. Watts