1990-11-20: 16th Central American and Caribbean Games
1990-11-15: 11th Pan American Games
JudoEquestrianRowingSailingKayakingTable TennisGymnasticsBaseballHandballFootball
1990-11-14: 11th World Pelota Championship
Pelota playerPelota player
1990-10-27: Latin American History (V) - Flags, Costumes & Stamps
ArgentinaCubaChileCristobal Colón en la JuntaEcuadorEl SalvadorPeru.VenezuelaPuerto RicoParaguayStamp of ArgentinaStamp of Puerto RicoStamp of El SalvadorCostumes and stampsCostumes and stampsCostumes and stampsCostumes and stampsBoliviaColombiaCosta RicaGuatemalaMexicoNicaraguaPanamaLatin American History
1990-10-13: Nationalization of Railroads
Nationalization of Railroads, 30th Anniv.
1990-10-12: Discovery of America
Caravel of Chistopher ColumbusChr. Columbus, beach landscape
1990-10-12: Cuban Television, 40th anniv
Cuban Television
1990-08-27: 8th UN Congress in Crime Prevention
Congress of Crime Prevention
1990-08-24: International Philatelic Exhibition. New Zealand-90
Bush Wren (Xenicus longipes)Kea (Nestor notabilis)Grey Butcherbird (Cracticus torquatus)Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus)Weka (Gallirallus australis)North Island Brown Kiwi (Apteryx australis mantelli)Tui (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae)North Island Brown Kiwi (Apteryx australis mantelli)
1990-07-20: Paintings from the National Museum (1990)
"Un Pastor""Ganimedes"The Pan FluteVenusPaintings from the National Museum, Havana
1990-06-30: Sport turism
Wind surfingDeep sea fishingHuntingSpearfishing
1990-06-25: 5th Latin American Botanical Conference
Jacquinia brunnescensBanara minutifloraRondeletia brachycarpaOplonia nannophyllaRondeletia odorata
1990-06-18: Oceanography Institute, 25th Anniversary
Hogfish (Lachnolaimus maximus), Laboratory AssistantCoral Reef, Research VesselCaribbean Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus), Diver
1990-05-19: Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969)
Ho Chi Minh portrait
1990-05-09: Celia Sanchez Manduley (1920-1980)
Celia Sanchez portrait
1990-05-06: Postage Stamp, 150th Anniversary
Portrait of Sir Rowland Hill and stamps of GB n.º1Portrait of Sir Rowland Hill and stamps of GB n.º2Portrait of Sir Rowland Hill and stamps of GB Type A5Portrait of Sir Rowland Hill and stamps of GB n.º5First Day postmark5 #1 on Mulready envelope
1990-05-03: International Stamp Exhibition Stamp World London '90
International Stamp Exhibition Stamp World London '90
1990-05-03: International Stamp Exhibition Stamp World London '90
International Stamp Exhibition Stamp World London '90
1990-04-30: Labour Day
"1º Mayo"
1990-04-24: Stamp Day
Train StationJet Aircraft in Flight
1990-04-12: Cosmonautics Day 1990
1935 Belgian cover and rocket1932 Austrian Cover and "U12" rocket1933 German cover, rocket and liner1934 Netherlands cover, "NRB" rocket and windmill1935 Yugoslavian cover and "JUG1" rocket1936 U.S.A. cover and rocket
1990-03-30: Winter Olympic Games 1992 - Albertville
Downhill skiingDownhill skiing
1990-03-07: 75th Universal Esperanto Congress
Tower of BabelTower of Babel
1990-02-20: Summer Olympic Games 1992 - Barcelona
BasketWrestlingHigh JumpHigh JumpBaseballRunningVolleyballBoxes
1990-01-30: FIFA World Cup 1990 - Italy
World Cup Football 1990 ItalyPlay ScenesPlay ScenesPlay ScenesDriblingKickingPlay ScenesPlay ScenesPlay ScenesWorld Cup Football 1990 Italy
1990-01-15: Speleological Society, 50th anniv
1990-01-02: 25th Anniversary of Postal Museum
Paddle Steamer AlmendaresMail Train