2002-12-27: Prehistoric and Modern Animals
Red Deer (Cervus elaphus), MegalocerosWoolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius)Theropithecus sp, Olive Baboon (Papio anubis)Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis), Woolly Rhinoceros (CoelDire Wolf (Canis dirus), Wolf (Canis lupus)Brown Bear (Ursus arctos), Cave Bear (Ursus spelaeus)Saber-toothed Tiger (Smilodon), Lion (Panthera leo)Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius)
2002-12-20: National Philately Championship
Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
2002-12-19: Centenary of the birth of Dulce M. Loynaz
2002-12-08: Centenary of the birth of Wilfredo Lam
Emi Cosinca 1952Centenary of the birth of Wilfredo LamYo Say 1949Portrait of H.H 1941/42Mujer Sentada 1951
2002-12-02: Centenary of the Pan American Health Organization
Pan American Organization
2002-12-01: 40th Anniversary of the Ballet de Camaguey
Twelve dancersTwo dancers
2002-11-12: Steam Locomotives
RocketMillerVulcanConsolidationMikadoSteam locomotives
2002-11-03: 20th Havana International Fair
20th Havana International Fair
2002-11-01: 15th Intercontinental Baseball Cup
15th Intercontinental Baseball CupG. MesaA. PachecoO. LinaresO. KindelanL. Ulacia
2002-10-19: Old Automoviles
Mercury Monterrey, 1957Pontiac Catalina, 1956Cadillac Fleetwood, 1959Hudson Hornet, 1951Chevrolet Bel Air, 1957Mercedes Benz 190 SL, 1957Old Automoviles
2002-10-12: Literacy Campaign
Literacy CampaignLiteracy Campaign
2002-10-08: 35th Anniversary of the death of Ernesto "Che" Guevara
Ernesto ”Che“
Guevara (1928-67),
Revolutionary LeaderChe GuevaraChe GuevaraChe GuevaraChe GuevaraChe GuevaraChe Guevara
2002-10-07: 3rd International Conference for War Correspondents
War Correspondents
2002-09-20: Espana 2002 Youth Philatelic Exposition
Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla) (see Description)BirdsGreater Yellowlegs (Tringa melanoleuca)Semipalmated Plover (Charadrius semipalmatus)Grey Plover (Pluvialis squatarola) (see Description)Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres) (see Description)Sora (Porzana carolina) (see Description)Sora (Porzana carolina) (see Description)
2002-09-17: 8th Centenary of the birth of Agostinho Neto
Agostinho Neto
2002-09-12: Centenary of the birth of Marcelo Pogolotti
Marcelo Pogolotti
2002-07-10: Centenary of the birth of Nicolas Guillen
Nicolas Guillen
2002-06-20: Mushrooms (2002)
Amanita junquilleaLepiota puellarisCortinarius cumatillisPholiota adiposeCoprinus comatusMushrooms
2002-06-13: 10th Ann. of the MediCuba Switzerland
MediCuba Switzerland Organization
2002-06-05: International Wine Festival Expovid 2002
Cigar Smokers, Wine Bottles and GlassesWine Glass and BarrelsWine glass and vineyard
2002-05-10: 125th Anniversary of Birth of Juan Tomas Roig
Experimental agronomic station, Santiago de las VegasHouse of RoigLaboratory glassware and Nicotiana tabacumBuilding allophyllum roiggiLaboratory glassware and botanical dictionaryJuan Tomas Roig
2002-04-27: Spanish-Cuban Philatelic Exhibition, Havana
Philatelic ExhibitionPhilatelic Exhibition
2002-04-21: FIFA World Cup 2002 - Korea / Japan
2002 World Cup
2002-04-04: 40th Anniversary of the Young Communists Union
Young Communists Union
2002-03-20: Explorers
Reading mapTying knotsStarting campfire for cookingStarting fireUsing orientation techniquesExplorers
2002-02-21: 2nd UPAEP Information Technology Workshop
2002-02-15: 4th Habano Festival, Havana
Hat and tobacco leafClock and cigar cylinderMap of Cuba and Simon BolivarCigar smokerFlag and tobacco fieldFidel Castro, map and starFidel Castro and map of Cuba
2002-01-21: Chinese New Year 2002 - Year of the Horse
Horse in Front of the Bamboo Grove