1966-11-21: Definitive Issues 1966
Stavrovouni MonasterySt James ChurchZenon of CitiumAncient ship - 7th cent. B.C.Ancient coin of King EvagorasSleeping Eros (marble statue)St. Nicholas ChurchSceptre from CuriumPlate from Lambousa - 7th cent. B.C.Silver coin of Alexander the GreatVase - 7th cent. B.C.Ingot Bearer, Bronze AgeThe Abduction of GanemedeStatue of Aphrodite
1966-09-26: Europa (C.E.P.T.) 1966 - Ship
EUROPA/CEPT 1966 - ShipEUROPA/CEPT 1966 - ShipEUROPA/CEPT 1966 - Ship
1966-06-06: General K.S. Thimayya, U.N.O.
General K.S. Thimayya, U.N.O.
1966-05-30: Definitive Issues - Cyprus 1960-1979
Vase from Iron age overprint
1966-04-25: 1900th Death Anniversary of Saint Barnabas
Discovery of St.Barnabas relicsChurch of St. BarnabasIcon of St. Barnabas
1966-01-31: U.N. Security Council Cyprus Resolutions
U.N.O. Cyprus meetingU.N.O. Cyprus meetingU.N.O. Cyprus meetingU.N.O. Cyprus meeting