1998-11-16: Christmas 1998
"The Annunciation""The Nativity""The Baptism of Christ"Christmas Paintings
1998-10-09: Post and Philately
World Post Day '98 - Continents and a magnifying glassWorld Stamp Day '98 - Continents and a magnifying glassWorld Stamp Day '98 - Continents and a magnifying glass
1998-10-09: 50th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights
50th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights
1998-06-22: Traditional Costumes
Urban Female Festive Costume - Reprint
1998-06-22: Endangered Species - Cyprus Mouflon
Cyprus Mouflon (Ovis gmelini ophion)Cyprus Mouflon (Ovis gmelini ophion)Cyprus Mouflon (Ovis gmelini ophion)Cyprus Mouflon (Ovis gmelini ophion)Cyprus Mouflon (Ovis gmelini ophion)Cyprus Mouflon (Ovis gmelini ophion)
1998-05-04: Europa (C.E.P.T.) 1998 - Feasts and Festivals
EUROPA 1998 - Kataklysmos Festival at Larnaca, CyprusEUROPA 1998 - Declaration of Cyprus Independence
1998-05-04: Sports and Events
World Football Cup - France
1998-03-09: Minerals of Cyprus
Green JasperIron PyritesGypsumChalcedony
1998-03-09: Refugee Fund
Obligatory Refugee Fund Tax