1956-12-15: National folk costumes

1956-11-09: European Freight Train Timetable Conference, Prague

1956-09-20: Czechoslovak Richness

1956-07-10: President Zápotocký

1956-07-08: Day of Border Guards

1956-06-23: Writers and poets

1956-05-23: Svazarm, 1st Congress

1956-05-12: Prague Spring 1956 and W. A. Mozart, 200 Birth Anniversary

1956-04-25: Sports 1956

1956-04-25: Summer Olympic Games 1956 - Melbourne

1956-04-09: Building and Defense of Homeland

1956-03-17: Czechoslovak Spa

1956-03-17: Traditional products of the Czechoslovakia

1956-02-20: 2nd Five-Year Plan ( Druhy Petilety Plan) 1956 - 1960