1964-12: Castles
Kost CastlePernštejn Castle
1964-11-16: Forest and Garden Birds
Common Redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus)Green Woodpecker (Picus viridis)Hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes)Black Woodpecker (Dryocopus martius)European Robin (Erithacus rubecula)European Roller (Coracias garrulus)
1964-11-16: Tradition and Development Engineering
150th Anniversary of Brno Engineering WorksDiesel Hydraulic Shunter, T 344.o, ČKD Praha
1964-11-12: Three astronauts
Space Ship Voskhod I, AstronautsSpace Ship Voskhod I, Astronauts
1964-09-02: Summer Olympic Games 1964 - Tokyo (II)
BicyclingAthleticsFootball (soccer)RowingSwimmingWeight lifting
1964-08-31: Prague Castle
Hradcany at PragueCharles Bridge, Prague
1964-08-17: 20th Anniv. Slovak National Uprising
Partisans, Girl and factoriesPartisans and flame
1964-08-17: 20th Anniversary of the Fighting at Dukla Pass.
Battle scene
1964-07-10: Czechoslovak Red Cross, 4th Congress
Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus); Silhouette of the Prag
1964-07-10: 4th European Cardiology Congress
Human heart
1964-06-20: Silesian Museum in Opava, 150th Anniversary
150th Anniversary of Silesian Museum, Opava
1964-06-20: Mining Academy in Banská Štiavnica Bicentary
Mining Academy in Banská Štiavnica Bicentary
1964-06-20: Volunteer Fire Brigades Centary
SKODA fire engine
1964-06-20: 14th International Firm Festival, Karlovy Vary
XIV. MFF v Karlových Varech
1964-06-15: Flowers
Creeping bellflower (Campanula rapunculoides)Nodding thistle (Carduus nutans)Succory (Cichorium intybus)Yellow iris (Iris pseudacorus)Marsh gentian (Gentiana pneumonanthe)Common poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
1964-04-27: Space Research
J.Gagarin, loď KosmosG.S.Titov, start rakety VostokJ.H.Glenn, loď MercuryM.S.Carpenter, přistání MercuryP.R.Popovič, A.G.NikolajevW.M.Schirra, raketa MercuryL.G.Cooper v kabině lodi MercuryV.V.Těreškovová, F.V.Bykovskij
1964-03-20: UNESCO - World leaders and events
Michalengelo: Den a Noc, MojžíšShakespeare 'Midnight Summerdream'Galileo GalileiKing Georgii of Poděbrad
1964-02-19: Tourist traffic in Czechoslovakia
Belanske Tatra MountainsTelc(Moravia) and motorcabSpis castle(Slovakia) and AnglerHrad Český Krumlov
1964-02-19: Recreation ROH
Magura hotel,Zdiar,High Tatra'Slovac Insurrection' hotel, Lower Tatra
1964-01-20: Winter Olympic Games 1964 - Innsbruck
IX Winter Olympics, Innsbruck 1964: Ice HockeyIX Winter Olympics, Innsbruck 1964: LugeIX Winter Olympics, Innsbruck 1964: Ski jumping
1964-01-20: Sports 1964
Figure skatingSkiingWorld Field Ball Championships, Prague 1964