1966-12-18: Stamp Day
Symbolic Bird
1966-12-08: Art
Spring, Vaclav Hollar (1641)Portrait of Mrs. F. Wussin, Jan Kupecky (1667-1740)Snow Owl, by Karel Purkyne (1862)Tulips, by Vaclav Spala (1924)Recruit, by Ludovit Fulla (1902-1980)Spring, Vaclav Hollar (1641)Portrait of Mrs. F. Wussin, Jan Kupecky (1667-1740)Snow Owl, by Karel Purkyne (1862)Tulips, by Vaclav Spala (1924)Recruit, by Ludovit Fulla (1902-1980)
1966-11-28: Game animals
European Badger (Meles meles)Red Deer (Cervus elaphus)Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx)European Hare (Lepus europaens)European Hare (Lepus europaeus)European Hare (Lepus europaeus)Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)Brown Bear (Ursus arctos)Wild Boar (Sus scrofa)European Hare (Lepus europaeus)
1966-10-24: Czechoslovak cities
Hradec KrálovéTelčOlomoucTelč
1966-09-26: Space Research 1966
First Meeting in Orbit ("Gemini 6" and "Gemini 7")Photograph of Far Side of Moon and Russian SatelliteFirst Photograph of Mars and "Mariner 4"Soft Landing on MoonSatellite, Laser Beam and Binary Code"Telestar" and Earth Tracking Station
1966-09-10: Stamp exhibition BRNO 1966
Stamp exhibition BRNO 1966Stamp exhibition BRNO 1966Stamp exhibition BRNO 1966Stamp exhibition BRNO 1966Stamp exhibition BRNO 1966
1966-08-31: Army of Warsaw Pact Training
Army of Warsaw Pact Training
1966-08-29: 8th International Engineering Fair, Brno
8th International Engineering Fair, Brno
1966-08-29: Jáchymov - Birthplace of Nuclear Age
Jáchymov - kolébka atomového věku
1966-08-29: Czechoslovak Olympic Commitee, 70th Anniversary
Olympia Coin and Olympic ringsOlympic flame, Czechoslovak flag and Olympic rings
1966-07-25: Places of cultural monuments
Bratislava, Pantheon SlavínDěvín castle and Ľudovít ŠtúrView of Náchod - 700th. anniversaryState Science Library, Olomouc
1966-07-05: International Brigades in Spain, 30th Anniversary
Guernica, by Pablo PicassoGuernica, by Pablo Picasso
1966-07-04: 100th Anniversary of the Czechoslovak Chemical Society
100th Anniversary of the Czechoslovak Chemical Society
1966-06-20: Indians of North America
Indians, canoe and tepeeTomahawkHaida totem polesKachina, good spirit of the Hopi´sIndian on horseback hunting buffaloCalumet, Dakota peace pipeDakota Chief
1966-05-31: Czechoslovak Communist Party, 13th Congress
Czechoslovak Communist Party, 13th CongressCzechoslovak Communist Party, 13th CongressCzechoslovak Communist Party, 13th Congress
1966-05-23: Butterflies (1966)
Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius)Moorland Clouded Yellow (Colias palaeno)Lesser Purple Emperor (Apatura ilia)Apollo (Parnassius apollo)Scarlet Tiger Moth (Callimorpha dominula)Cream-spot Tiger (Epicallia villica)
1966-05-09: Art treasures of Prague Castle
Crown of St. Wenceslas (1346)Crown of St. Wenceslas, 1346Belvedere Palace and St. Vitus CathedralMadonna, altarpiece from St George’s Church (1220)
1966-04-25: 20th Anniversary of UNESCO
Symbolic Handshake and UNESCO emblem
1966-04-25: Inauguration of W.H.O. Headquarters, Geneva
Inauguration of W.H.O. Headquarters, Geneva
1966-04-25: World Championships in fishing technology
River Trout (Salmo trutta morpha fario)European Perch (Perca fluviatilis)Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio)Northern Pike (Esox lucius)Grayling (Thymallus thymallus)European Eel (Anguilla anguilla)
1966-03-21: Opera "The Bartered Bride" Centary
Opera "The Bartered Bride" Centenary
1966-03-21: Locomotives
Steam engine AJAX (1841)Steam engine KARLŠTEJN (1865)Steam engine 423.02 (1946)Steam engine 498.0 (1946)Electric locomotive E 699.001 (1964)Dieselelectric locomotive T 699.0001 (1964)
1966-02-14: Cultural Personalities 1966
Romain Rolland, French WriterDonatello (1386-1466), Italian sculptorStanislav Sucharda (1866-1916), sculptorIgnac Josef Pesina (1766-1808), veterinarian
1966-01-17: European Figure Skating Championships, Bratislava
European Figure Skating Championships, BratislavaEuropean Figure Skating Championships, BratislavaEuropean Figure Skating Championships, BratislavaEuropean Figure Skating Championships, Bratislava
1966-01-17: World Volleyball Championships
World Volleyball ChampionshipsWorld Volleyball Championships
1966-01-15: Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, 70th Anniversary
Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, 70th Anniversary
1966-01: Castles
Karlštejn Castle