1967-12-18: Stamp Day
Czechoslovakian stamps
1967-12-11: Czechoslovak aircrafts
Let L-13 BlanikAerotaxi L-200Letoun L40Letoun Z37Zlin Z-526 Trener MasterLetoun L29
1967-12-09: President Novotný
Antonín Novotný (1904-1975), presidentAntonín Novotný (1904-1975), president
1967-11-07: Russian October Revolution, 50th Anniversary
Russian October Revolution, 50th AnniversaryRussian October Revolution, 50th AnniversaryRussian October Revolution, 50th Anniversary
1967-10-30: PRAGA 1968 Int Stamp Exhbition - Previous Exhibition Sites
Prague Castle (PRAGA 62)PRAGA'68, PragueSelimiye Mosque, Edirne (ISTANBUL 1963)ISTANBUL'63, Hagia SophiaNotre Dame, Paris (PHILATEC 1964)PHILATEC '64, ParisBelvedere Palace, Vienna (WIPA 1965)WIPA '65, ViennaCapitol, Washington (SIPEX 1965)SPIPEX '66, Washington D.C.Amsterdam (AMPHILEX 1967)AMPHILEX '67, AmsterdamPrague (PRAGA 1968)PRAGA '68, Prague
1967-10-06: Day of the Czechoslovak Army 1967
Day of the Czechoslovak People’s Army
1967-09-25: Fauna of Tatra National Park
Eurasian Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)Wild Cat (Felis silvestris)Stoat (Mustela erminea)Hazel Dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius)West European Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)European Pine Marten (Martes martes)
1967-08-30: Flowers of Botanical Gardens
Miltonia spectabilisCup and saucer vine (Cobaea scandens)Lycaste deppei LindlGlottiphyllum davisii L.Bol.Anthurium andreanum LindlRhodocactus bleo KunthDendrobium phalaenopsis Fitzg.
1967-08-21: 5th Sporting and Cultural Festivities of Communication Empl.
Colonnade and Spring, Karlovy Vary
1967-08-21: 13th Congress of the International Astronomical Union
Ondrejov Observatory and Galaxy
1967-08-21: Cityscapes
1967-06-22: Art
Henri Rousseau (1844-1910), self-portraitThe Conjurer, by František Tichý (1937)Don Quixote, by Cyprian Majerník (1937)Promenade in the Park, by Norbert Grund (1717-1767)Self-portrait, by Peter J. Brandl (1668-1735)Saints from Jan of Jeren Epitaph, by Czech Master of 1395Henri Rousseau (1844-1910), self-portraitPromenade in the Park, by Norbert Grund (1717-1767)Self-portrait, by Peter J. Brandl (1668-1735)Saints from Jan of Jeren Epitaph, by Czech Master of 1395The Conjurer, by František Tichý (1937)Don Quixote, by Cyprian Majerník (1937)
1967-06-21: Petr Bezruč, Birth Centenary
Petr Bezruč, 100th Birth Anniversary
1967-06-10: 9th Congress of International Union of Architects
9th Congress of International Union of Architects
1967-06-09: Destruction of Lidice, 25th Anniversary
Destruction of Lidice, 25th Anniversary
1967-05-22: Judaica
Detail of the temple curtain from 1593Prague Printer’s emblem of Gersonid, 1530Mikulov jug, 1801Old-new synagogue Prague, 13th cent.Memorial for Concentration Camp VictimsTombstone of David Gans, Prague (1613)
1967-05-10: Prague Spring (1967)
Prague Spring Music festival
1967-05-09: Prague Castle
Golden street at Prague CastleInterior of Hall of King Vladislav
1967-05-09: Art treasures of Prague Castle
St. Matthew, from illuminated manuscript (11th cent.)St. Matthew, from illuminated manuscript (11th cent.)
1967-04-17: Sports 1967
20th Warsaw-Berlin-Prague Bicycle RaceWomens Basketball Championships5th Intl. Wildwater Canoe (Kayak) Championship10th Intl. Water Slalom Championships, Lipno
1967-04-10: EXPO World Exhibition
The Sorrowful Christ by Master TheodoricCodex of Jena & “Burning of Master Jan Hus"R.Roubíček: Modern glass sculptureAndersen fairy tale, painting by Jiří TrnkaSection of pressure vessel from Atomic power stationP. Rada: Three ceramic figurinesMontreal skyline and EXPO ’67 emblemMontreal skyline and EXPO ’67 emblemGothic painting, by Theodorus ZeloP. Rada: Three ceramic figurinesBurning of Master Hus,” from Litoměřice Hymnal
1967-03-24: Space Research 1967
Solar Research and SatelliteSpace Vehicles in Orbit ("Gemini"-"Agena")Man on the Moon and Orientation SystemExploration of Solar System and RocketLunar Satellites and Moon PhotographsFuture Lunar Architecture and Moon Landing
1967-02-20: Waterbirds
Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa)Northern Shoveler (Spatula clypeata)Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea)Eurasian Penduline Tit (Remiz pendulinus)Pied Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta)Black Stork (Ciconia nigra)Tufted Duck (Aythya fuligula)
1967-02-13: International Tourism Year 1967
JihlavaBrnoDanube, Castle and Churches, BratislavaPrague
1967-01-16: 5th Cong. of the Czechoslovak Youth Org.
Youth Organization
1967-01-16: Trade Unions, 6th Congress
6th Trade Union Congress
1967-01-16: Peace and Freedom in Viet Nam
Peace and Freedom in Viet Nam