1967-12-18: Stamp Day
1967-12-11: Czechoslovak aircrafts
1967-12-09: President Novotný
1967-11-07: Russian October Revolution, 50th Anniversary
1967-10-30: PRAGA 1968 Int Stamp Exhbition - Previous Exhibition Sites
1967-10-06: Day of the Czechoslovak Army 1967
1967-09-25: Fauna of Tatra National Park
1967-08-30: Flowers of Botanical Gardens
1967-08-21: 5th Sporting and Cultural Festivities of Communication Empl.
1967-08-21: 13th Congress of the International Astronomical Union
1967-08-21: Cityscapes
1967-06-22: Art
1967-06-21: Petr Bezruč, Birth Centenary
1967-06-10: 9th Congress of International Union of Architects
1967-06-09: Destruction of Lidice, 25th Anniversary
1967-05-22: Judaica
1967-05-10: Prague Spring (1967)
1967-05-09: Prague Castle
1967-05-09: Art treasures of Prague Castle
1967-04-17: Sports 1967
1967-04-10: EXPO World Exhibition
1967-03-24: Space Research 1967
1967-02-20: Waterbirds
1967-02-13: International Tourism Year 1967
1967-01-16: 5th Cong. of the Czechoslovak Youth Org.
1967-01-16: Trade Unions, 6th Congress
1967-01-16: Peace and Freedom in Viet Nam