1973-12-18: Stamp Day
1973-11-27: Art
1973-10-15: 8th Congress of the World Federation of Trade Unions
1973-09-17: Birth Centenary of Max Švabinský (1873-1962)
1973-09-05: 50 Years of Czechoslovakian Hunting: Hunting Dogs
1973-08-23: University of Olomouc, 400th Anniversary
1973-08-23: Flora Olomouc
1973-06-20: Coats of arms of the Czechoslovak cities
1973-05-09: 25th anniversary of the constitution on May 9
1973-05-09: Prague Castle
1973-05-01: Communications Anniversaries
1973-04-12: Space Research
1973-03-20: Czechoslovak Martyrs during World War II
1973-02-23: "Victorious February", 25th Anniversary
1973-02-22: Sports 1973
1973-01-25: Czechoslovak Graphic Art 1973