1989-12-18: Stamp Day
Portrait of Cyril Bouda, stamp designer
1989-11-27: Art
Nirvana by Anton Jasusch (1882-1965)Winter Evening in Town by Jakub Schikaneder (1855-1924)The Bakers by Pravoslav Kotik (1889-1970)
1989-11-10: 50th Anniversary of International Students Day
50th Anniversary of International Students Day
1989-10-16: Historical Motive From Bratislava
Views of Devin, a Slavic castle above the Danube riverViews of Devin, a Slavic castle above the Danube riverViews of Devin, a Slavic castle above the Danube riverViews of Devin, a Slavic castle above the Danube river
1989-09-05: Poisonous Mushrooms
Nolanea verna - Zvonovka jarníAmanita phalloides - Muchomůrka zelenáAmanita virosa - Muchomůrka jízliváCortinarius orellanus - Pavučinec plyšovýGalerina marginata - Čepičatka jehličnatá
1989-09-04: Biennial Exhibition of Book Illustrations for Children 1989
"Going Fishing" by Hannu Taina, Finland"Donkey Rider" by Aleksander Aleksov, Bulgaria"Animal Dreams" by Jürgen Spohn, West Berlin"Scarecrow" by Róbert Brun, CzechoslovakiaBiennial Exhibition of Book Illustrations for Children 1989
1989-08-29: Slovak National Uprising, 45th Anniversary
Slovak Uprising, 45th Anniv.
1989-08-29: 40th Anniversary of Slovak Folk Art Collective
40th Anniversary of Slovak Folk Art Collective
1989-07-18: Endangered Amphibians
Fire-bellied Toad (Bombina bombina)Yellow-bellied Toad (Bombina variegata)Alpine Newt (Triturus alpestris)Carpathian Newt (Triturus montandoni)
1989-07-17: White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)
White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)
1989-07-01: PHILEXFRANCE '89
PHILEXFRANCE ’89, French RevolutionPHILEXFRANCE ’89, French Revolution
1989-05-09: Art treasures of Prague Castle
Bas-relief picturing Kaiser Karl IV. by A. ColinSelf-portrait, by V. V. Reiner (1689-1743)Bas-relief picturing Kaiser Karl IV. by A. ColinSelf-portrait, by V. V. Reiner (1689-1743)
1989-04-21: National Gallery - Albrecht Dürer
Albrecht Durer, Virgin and childAlbrecht Durer, Angel playing mandolinNational Gallery: Albrecht Durer
1989-04-20: 40th Anniversary of Young Pioneer Organisation
40th Anniversary of Young Pioneer Organisation
1989-03-27: Czechoslovak Maritime Shipping
"Republika" (Freighter)"Pionyr" (Trawler)"Brno" (Tanker)"Třinec" (Container Ship)"Orlik" (Container Ship)"Vltava" (Tanker) and Communications Equipment
1989-03-09: Anniversary Personalities 1989
175th Birth Anniversary of Taras G. Shevchenko (1814-1861)150th Birth Anniversary of Modest Musorgsky (1839-1881)Birth Centenary of Jean Cocteau (1889-1963)Birth Centenary of Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977)160th Birth Anniversary of Ján Botto (1829-1881)Birth Centenary of Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964)
1989-01-02: Paris-Dakar Rally
Globe and Liaz TruckGlobe and View of Desert on Truck SideGlobe and Tatra TruckRoute Map, Turban and Truck
1989-01-01: Czechoslovakian Federation, 20th Anniv.
Czechoslovakian Federation, 20th Anniv.