1991-12-18: Stamp Day
Stamp Day 1991
1991-11-11: Christmas 1991
Christmas 1991
1991-11-03: Nature Protection : Flowers
Radnor Lily (Gagea bohemica)Alpine Aster (Aster alpinus)Snake's Head Fritillary (Fritillaria meleagris)Garland Flower (Daphne cneorum)
1991-11-03: Art 1991
Everyday Homelife by Max ErnstLovers by Auguste RenoirHead of Christ by El GrecoCoincidence by Ladislav GudernaTwo Maidens by Utamaro
1991-09-30: Bratislava and Prague motifs
Holy Infant of PragueBlue Church of Bratislava
1991-09-27: Andrej Hlinka
Father Andrej Hlinka (1864-1938), Slovak nationalist
1991-09-02: Biennial Exhibition of Book Illustrations for Children 1991
"The Frog Prince" by Binette Schroeder, Germany"Pinocchio" by Stasys Eidrigevičius, Poland
1991-08-28: Scenic Views
Kriváň MountainŘíp Mountain
1991-08-09: Jan Palach Foundation
Jan Palach (1948-1969), student
1991-06-03: Czechoslovak castles
Blatná castleBouzov castleKežmarok castle
1991-05-20: 30th Anniversary of Antarctic Treaty
30th Anniversary of Antarctic Treaty
1991-05-10: Centenary of International Exhibition, Prague
Exhibition Pavilion, 1891
1991-05-06: Europa (C.E.P.T.) 1991 - Europe in Space
Magion II Satellite and Earth
1991-02-18: Anniversary Personalities 1991
150th Birth Anniv. of Dvořák (1841-1904) + Label150th Birth Anniv. of Dvořák (1841-1904)150th Birth Anniv. of Andrej Kmeť (1841-1908) + Label150th Birth Anniv. of Andrej Kmeť (1841-1908)105th Birth Anniv. of Jan Masaryk (1886-1948) + Label105th Birth Anniv. of Jan Masaryk (1886-1948)220th Birth Anniv. of A. Senefelder (1771-1834) + Label220th Birth Anniv. of A. Senefelder (1771-1834)90th Birth Anniv. of J. Seifert (1901-1986) + Label90th Birth Anniv. of J. Seifert (1901-1986)
1991-02-04: Anniversaries 1991
Bethlehem Chapel Prague, 600th Anniv.Death Bicentenary of W. A. Mozart (1756-1791)150th Anniversary of Boat Excursions in Bohemia
1991-01-10: Czech Scouting, 80th Ann.and A.B.Svojsík, 110th Birth Ann.
A. B. Svojsik (1876-1938), Czech Scouting Founder
1991-01-10: European Judo Championship, Prague
European Judo Championship, Prague